Call (Computer-assisted language learning)
Good examples :It provides resources for each skill: listening, pronunciation and speaking, vocabulary, reading, writing, and grammar. : It provides activities for almost all the skills: reading, listening, vocabulary and grammar. But it does not provide speaking and writing activities.
Drill and practice
Good example: :In this website you can find everything that you want about grammar, vocabulary, speaking, reading, writing ,etc.
Bad example: : It is an incomplete website because it only has grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation .
CMC (Computer Mediated Communication)
Good example:
Asynchronous example . the students can send e-mails to a teacher and then they can receive feedback.
Synchronous example
Msn . It is very useful because you can talk to at least two different people at the same time, and you can receive feedback immediately.
Bad example: .It could be dangerous because you can talk to strange people.
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