Friday, August 29, 2008

Group Activity (Salaberry)

Overhead projector for 4th grade, secondary school

Me can show different pictures to them about famous people, and they have to describe them.

We can make a karaoke activity, where can show them the lyric of a song trough the overhead projector.

We can show them different pictures and they have to create a story.

We can use pictures as a support for what are you telling them in order that they can understand what you are saying.

Dorm phonics Technique Activity

It's kind of hard to think of an activity that can be meaningful for 2 Graders of Secondary school.
We decided to make the students getting relaxed with relaxing music and with their eyes closed. While they are with their eyes closed the teacher has to start speaking about a topic for example: "imagine you are in the beach, it is a sunny day and so on..." When they open their eyes, the teacher has to ask the students to write an essay about how they felt during the activity.

************************************************************************************* Telephone

Through TELEPHONE we can encourage students to practice their speaking and listening comprehension, making them to work in pair in order to improve their speaking and listening performance focused on producing a cohesive and coherent oral discourse.


Radio Broadcast for 8th GRADE ELEMENTARY (IN CHILE)

The idea of this activity is to create something for the students using radio broadcast.The idea is a radio show in which students have to give the schudele for the week, and they can choose a topic for developing, specially related to braaking news and things that can be interesting for everyone. It is not marked, because each group has to present one a week (monday), and is has to be presented for the class, not for the school (students could feel ashamed)

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