Thursday, August 28, 2008

Reflections on Language Learning and Technology

The Internet as a Glocal Discourse Environment
A commentary on “Second Language Socialization in a Bilingual Chat Room” by Wan Shun Eva Lam and “Second Language Cyberhetoric : A study of Chinese L2 writers in an Online Usenet Group “by Joel Bloch


This article provides the most important aspects of Internet:

The Internet as an informal learning environment for English as L2: In Lam´s contribution , two students improve their English through extensive participation in a chat room with other Chinese from various parts of the world. The language used in the chat room is a hybrid vernacular variety that has little connection with the language used in schools. As we know Internet offers a potential for language socialization and language learning. For this reason it gives the immigrants an opportunity of language socialization in a less stifling environment than that of the school.

The Internet as an identity forming discursive space: Through Internet Immigrants have the opportunity to express themselves, and engage in a dialogue with a global audience. In the two articles ,young Chinese immigrants learning English as a second language are in the process of constructing their individual and collective identities through Internet , because it provides the opportunity to take part of a virtual community for language practices , socialization, and for building identities.

A global-local dialectic: The concept of “glocal” is a mixture between the words “global” and “local” , and it is a descriptive term for what is happening in the world today. Robertson has coined the term “glocalization”, which he describes as “the universalization of the particular and the particularization of the universal”, with the local appropriating elements of the global which are of use, while employing at the same time strategies to retain its identity.


As we saw in this article, the use of Internet is increasing . It is is shown as a tool that can change everything because it gives us the opportunity to be in contact not only with our relatives, but also with people from another country; for this reason we can say that it can help us to preserve our heritage due to the fact that we can take part of a virtual community when we are far away from home.

Apart from that, it is also important the term “glocalization” because it is clear that the world is changing, nowadays we can have products of another country, especially from China; that is why that we are interesting in knowing this new culture , in fact we acquire some aspects of it but without losing our original roots.

From my point of view as a prospective English teacher , Internet has a huge value because as I wrote before, it can be a support for us due to the fact that the students prefer having classes more technological , for example using the chat rooms, blogs, chatter bots, etc.; because they feel more comfortable and motivated to learn a second language. Apart from that they can socialize with other people and have fun.

1 comment:

Gina Petrie/CALE/ESLG said...

I hadn't known about the 'glocal' topic, actually. Thank you. I think that you would really enjoy reading Lam's work--she does very very interesting things. Ask me for suggestions if you would like.

Best wishes,