Monday, September 8, 2008

The teacher's beliefs about technology

Here are the questions with their answers
1. What role do you think technology does take/can take in learning? (You are looking to know if they are a technophile, technophobe, instrumentalist, take a critical approach...)
Teacher 1: A very important one because learning reflects what goes on in real life, and real life is pretty much all about technology. Almost all kids have access to a cell phone or a computer.
Teacher 2: I think technology should be a very good complement for the teacher, it should support some of the contents covered in class and it should help students in their autonomous learning but I think it shouldn't be the most important instrument of learning.
As we can see in this answers , there is a different point of view about the use of technology because the first teacher says that technology is the most important thing for learning I (he is a very young, he is only 23 years old), but the second teacher says that technology is only a tool (he has more experience in teaching). I agree with the second teacher .
2. What role should the learner take in the classroom?
Teacher 1: The learner has to learn, i.e. take part in all the activities that go on in the classroom.
Teacher 2:The learner should have a very active participation in the class, not being just a listener but a participant
The answers are very similar, the both says that learner has to have a active role in learning.
3. What role should the teacher take in the classroom? (Both of these questions will help you determine if your teachers are teacher-centered or open to learned-centered learning...)
Teacher 1:The teacher has to teach, i.e. design and have students to activities that lead to that goal
Teacher 2:The teacher has to be a facilitator and he has to help students in their process of learning.
4. What does good teaching look like?
Teacher 1:Solid.
Teacher 2: Good teaching for me is having fun in the classroom not only the teacher can have fun teaching but students should have fun learning.
As we can see, the last answers are very similar, but we can apreseciate that the first teacher is a technophile person and the second one has instrumentalist point of view about technology.

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